11 August 2011

Hello once more fellow Rubyists!


O'Reilly have been super kind and have donated two books as prizes for the competition! They have given us:

The Arduino Cookbook

Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets

Winner gets first pick, second place gets the remaining book.


Excellent news; someone has already done the updating of the library for us, so we're definitely on for this at the next meetup. If you want to take a look the library is now at:

https://github.com/ralreegorganon/rrobots  and requires the Gosu library, so to get up and running with it, clone that repository, gem install gosu, gem install jeweler, then away you go!

This month we are going to attempt another practical session as the last one was so much fun. This one revolved around robots, and the destruction thereof. Oh yes, IPRUG is going to have it's very own Ruby Robot Wars!
So bring yourself, your laptop and your A game to this months session and we'll each build our own Robot and then pit them against one another to find whose robot is the champion.  There will be prizes for the winners!

The Robots will be based on the http://rrobots.rubyforge.org/ library which has fallen into a bit of disrepair so I will be bringing that up to date before the session. It contains some basic frameworks for Robots so we will at least get some very basic bots up and running on the night.
If you're new to Ruby or not quite sure about how to build your own robot, come along anyway and we can try and help you along, or you can simply pair with a more experience Rubyist for the evening and learn from them.

So, to reiterate:

Robots. 7:30pm. The Brewery Tap Ipswich. 6th Sept.

See. You. Then!

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